Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Most Recent News

January 19, 2010
Good news... thanks to Abby and Olivia breaking their daddy out of the hospital, Tim is back home! It was a huge relief when things finally shifted on Monday and he started showing some improvement. We have commented many times on how fortunate we are to live so close to the amazing caregivers, doctors and specialists at IMC. They have once again impressed and wow'd us with their skills, expertise and most of all... their human side.

The good news is that he is slowly getting better and he responded well to the method of blood thinning they decided on - which is a Lovenox shot in his belly twice a day. The bad news is that he will most likely have to be on these shots for a very long time and will have to be extremely careful not to fall or cut himself. The other bad news is that Julie (who is terrified of needles) is going to have to buck up and learn how to jam a needle into her husband's stomach. Yikes! You never know though, it could prove to be therapeutic for her!!

Next steps are first and foremost, a lot of rest for Timmy. Even though a hospital is supposed to be a place for rest, he didn't get much of it. He will also be working to clear up the infection in his lungs, improve his strength and function with home physical therapy and continue his Avastin treatments for the tumors.

Thanks once again to dear friends and family and the excellent care from his doctors and nurses, Tim has made it through another stage of this so-called marathon. We appreciate the care and kindness shown to us once again. Stay tuned for more updates as we go!

Above are the Paine Brothers, Freddie, Tim and Scott... watching skiing on Universal Sports in Tim's hospital room. Are they diehards or what!!

December 2009
After 21 months of having an MRI scan and then bracing for the "bad news"... Tim finally turned the tide. His scans came back showing that the tumors (4 of them to be exact) are somehow retreating! Wow... what a change from his previous 9 experiences.

Although this news is promising and encouraging, we remain cautious and a little guarded as he still has a long way to go. With each tumor, every surgery, the chemotherapy and radiation, and especially the steroid treatments, Tim's body has suffered. He is weak and low on energy and his real fight is just beginning. He will start rehab next week to try and regain some strength and become active again. But we all know Tim... and there is no one more dedicated, committed or disciplined. He will be back on his feet (and hopefully the slopes)
in no time.


  1. Hey Timmy this is just cile. I am so very sorry to hear about the peanumonia(sp?). We love you so much and hope rest and Julie's ever amazing car will help you thru this. Just a coinsodence that a woman that goes to my swim place, played for a soccer team called Alamania that Winterstick played and she remembers us and you and John as coaches! She does not remember me tripping over the lines! I hope you get this blog , I will blog again soon. Love you Timmy, cile

  2. Abby and Olivia are rock stars! I imagine the doctor will provide Julie with extra sharp needles to penetrate Timmy's Abs of Steel. Glad everyone is home and you are receiving the best of medical care.

  3. Timmy, we are so happy you are home. Home is where the heart is ! and maybe a needle too.You are absolutely amazing- as usual!!! We cant wait to see you but we know you must rest BIG TIME. John and zac are in Jackson so I will just blog cuz I dont have a freakin clue how to do an email thing. Our love and prayers are always with you, we love you Timmy and Nurse Julie. Love US

  4. Hi Tim: Hope you're home and getting some rest. Julie -- I am with you on the needle deal. I'm sure you both have it down to a routine by now. I'm reading this article in Trail Runner about a woman who has epilepsy and had a very risky brain surgery. Now she has recovered and is an amazing ultra runner. The surgery left her with no short term memory, which has served as a great thing. She gets out on a trail and forgets how long she has been out or forgets about the pain after she has gone hundreds of miles. She did the Iditarod trail on her own pulling a sled behind her. Her story is amazing! I'll save it for you -- maybe someday I'll be your pacer at a 400 mile event in some arctic location. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Hi to the girls and Michael. Love, Karen & Joe Helfrich

  5. HEY Timmy, I hope you are feeling better and just taking little baby steps to feel better. i love you Timmy. You are the most amazing person I know!!!!!! I am going to make you some lemon blossoms. Remember when John wasn't around, you took care of me!! OH how Mr. Control thanks you. And when we went up skiing, we listened to Dier Straits. You have the best care , Julie is the ONE. We all Jansons LOVE YOU

  6. Sending some good vibes from the Sunshine State. In our thoughts, cb

  7. After seeing what Bob the Barber can do, I believe in miracles! Keep the faith.

  8. Tim, we need to hit that burrito joint the next time I'm in SLC. Miss you getting me fired up over politics or the slopes. Fritz
