Monday, January 4, 2010


As we have reflected on this last year, we can't help but be humbled by so many things. If there is one thing that Tim and Julie have felt, it's love and support from so many family and friends. We know that we could not have survived this kind of ordeal, without the strength, hope, faith, prayers, visits, gifts, calls, texts, emails, etc. from everyone. It's been a very powerful force in our lives and we hope you know that we are aware of it, we feel it, we appreciate it and more than anything, we have drawn on it each and every day. So thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, we are beyond grateful to all of you who have done so much and given so much to the Paine Family. LIVESTRONG!

People ask us all the time if there is anything we need and Tim will say... "as long as my 3 girls are okay, I'm just fine." Well the Paine girls are doing great... Abby and Olivia are wonderful daughters and have taken very special care of their daddy. They are doing well in school and are currently playing basketball, taking hip-hop dance and avidly reading the Twilight books. And Michael, well we couldn't do this without him. He's been a great support to Tim and they love to give each other grief. They also share such a passion for cars and carry on great debates about everything from horsepower to handling. It's so nice that Tim has somebody to pass on his car wisdom to. Although we have to give Abby and Olivia credit, they too have the car bug and participate in many of the discussions. And thanks to Michael, they have become expert "wheel washers" from all of the car wash events in the Paine driveway!

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